March 14th, 2023

Financial Services ESG Roundtable - London

We held a very successful first roundtable for leaders in sustainability and social impact in the FS sector in March this year.  Here are the main highlights and insights from the session and plans for the next one.

Who was there? 

Some of the biggest brands in FS including, American Express, LV=, Aviva, Legal and General.

What did the discussion focus on? 

Attendees aligned on 3 pressing challenges in advance of the session. With such a wealth of knowledge in the room, the conversation stayed focused on the first challenge, 'The Return on Purpose' with attendees sharing:

What was the feedback? 

All attendees found it a really useful forum and have asked that this becomes a quarterly event. Following feedback, future sessions will take a focused workshop format to find specific, actionable solutions to take away.

The next roundtable

The next event in the London series is on Wednesday 5th July from 3-5pm at the Aviva Offices, St. Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ.

If you lead the sustainability or social impact within your financial services organisation and would like to join, please get in touch with