Delivering charity services in a changing world
At a time when public sector services are overwhelmed and facing budget cuts, the role of charity services has become increasingly critical.
Those responsible for designing and delivering these services hold ambitious goals but can encounter significant challenges in reaching the desired scale of impact.
To better understand these barriers, we engaged with 25 leaders in service design. The three key challenges that emerged consistently across our conversations form the foundation of this report.
We hope you find the reflections, fresh perspectives and case study examples useful.
What service design leaders told us
""We also added in an extra ‘E’ for excitement which I particularly liked because after all the hard work we really wanted the team to feel excited about the next phase and our sprints.”"
""It’s about understanding your organisation, your goals, the people you’re here to support and tailoring your approach. The north star isn’t the same for everyone.”"
"It's about making sure the people who use and engage with your services have the chance to meaningfully shape what they look and feel like, and how they will interact with them in the future""
The 3 biggest challenges that we heard
With limited time and investment, where should you focus for maximum impact?
Hard choices are needing to be made. How should you choose the right opportunities to pursue? How can you futureproof your Service Portfolio, and create the biggest impact now and in the future?
How should you involve the people you exist to support in the design of your future Service Portfolio?
This journey can be both complex and resource-intensive. How can service users have had the opportunity to meaningfully influence the design and experience of these services, shaping their functionality and engagement for the future?
How can we make piloting new or improved services less painful, expensive and risky?
How can you take a more iterative, experimental approach to piloting new and updated services, while de-risking & getting to real (measurable) impact as quickly as possible?